Thursday, March 1, 2012


Our Parker is such a good dog.  He's friendly, playful, well behaved, he even opened his home to a cat,  it just doesn't seem fair, why should his life end like this?  I wanted to sob earlier today when Marty said, "I want to take him to the cancer center so they can fix him".  I've only seen Marty cry two other times in all the years I've known him.  He's been crying a lot since Monday.
We lost our last dog, Kodi, just after her 13th birthday.  She had been sick for about a year with heart problems.  It was horribly hard to choose a day but for her sake, we did what was necessary.
Parker looks fine, acts fine and his 13th birthday isn't until September.  In fact he looks so good, we were sure  he'd be with us long past number 13.  Now he won't even make it to 13!    
He loves us, we love him, we're good parents, we've taken good care of him, we take him every where with us.  We talk to him all day, everyday.  He and Vivianne are our kids.  What's she going to do without her brother.  What are we going to do without him?  What are we going to do?  It just isn't fair.

1 comment:

  1. I'm crying. I am so sorry about Parker. You are right, it isn't fair. Parker has good parents. Parker has a good life. Parker loves you. Parker knows love because of you. {{{{HUGS}}}} to you, Marty and Parker.


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