Tuesday, November 27, 2012

It's that season

Time to get humidifiers ready; cleaned out (just in case you didn't do it before you put it away) filters changed, positioned in the room, filled with water and turned on.  I LOVE my wood burning furnace!  Not always crazy about throwing in wood when it's 10 below, but in my opinion, no warmer heat can be found.  Unfortunately, it also really dries out the air.  Every thing I touch shocks me, even the loving lips of my sweet husband Marty!  He says he never feels it but I sure do, OUCH!   My fat pants stick to my legs, static makes my hair flatter than normal and my already dry skin begins to flake all over everything.  I'm sure I help keep Bath & Body works in business. I love the soft lingering fragrance of Warm Vanilla Sugar or  Sandalwood Rose or Japanese Cherry Blossom body lotion.  Those subtle smells are good aroma therapy for me in the middle of a hectic day.

I fill this old Wagner cast iron tea kettle and enjoy the nice curl of steam, the slowly simmering water pushes out the spout into the kitchen.  When I know I'll have a few minutes to enjoy it, I put a flavored tea bag in the pot.  That curl of steam does double duty then, adds a sweet aroma to the air along with the much needed moisture.
Can't over come winter and it's dry air, so I may as well enjoy it, however I can.

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