Friday, June 3, 2011


I can't imagine not having my favorite after work "keep me warm" sweater (I'm always cold) not hanging behind the bedroom door.  I can't imagine not having a door or a bedroom to come home to after work.  I can't imagine not having a roof over the heads of those I love. 
I certainly don't worship my material possessions but I have to admit the thought of not having that little piece of comfort is a bit disconcerting.  I believe the love of my Lord, my husband, my pets and my family make overcoming any obstacle possible.  I pray for those who need the comfort of a loved one or a hug that offers hope for a better day tomorrow..  I pray you know that others are praying for you daily. 
As we prepared for a sale at the home of my inlaws, who both passed way in the past few months, we realized that we had a tangible way to help.  Today we shipped 12 large boxes of clean, good quality clothing to Alabama.  We decided to trim our own considerable closets as well, adding new and gently used clothing from our home, honestly, how many T-shirts do I really need????  I felt a bit guilty as we gathered these things, why do we have so much and others have so little? 
I will never know the answer while I live on this earth but I pray that until I do, I will remember to be thankful for each breath taken by those I love and to praise Him for His blessings. Amen.